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How To Attract Customers With Marketing Strategies For Business Growth.


Marketing has evolved over the years, in terms of relationship with consumers, the absence of an effective marketing strategy would lead to waste of resources on consumers who have no interest in your services or product offering. Integrating smart marketing requires intelligence, you have to listen and do a lot of research, speak directly to your target consumer because everyone is not your customer or client. Understanding this simple concept will save you a lot of money and time so you can grow your business. Having a well-planned marketing strategy will guide you on the growth path to business success. To attract the customers to your business, it is fundamental to have a clear picture and attract your ideal customers with the right message. Understanding your market and the consumers’ behaviour is at the heart of marketing strategy.

In order to effectively optimise your marketing strategy, you need to understand your ideal customer to improve your marketing strategy, by answering these six keys questions, which are: Who? Why? What? How? When? and where? Because the ultimate goal is to connect with the consumers with compelling content that would encourage them to take action to purchase your product offering or service.

  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • Why should they buy from you?
  • What problem are you solving for the customer?
  • How do you attract an ideal customer?
  • When do they buy?
  • Where do you find your ideal customers?

Chances are your ideal consumers are bombarded with all sorts of advertisements daily, in an effort to gain their attention, but it is up to you to create great content marketing that is valuable, relevant, and consistent to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and drive profitable customer action. Although small businesses are known to be informal and unstructured, their marketing efforts are almost non-existent, very little time is spent on strategic planning for the business but some small business owners actually take the time to plan their marketing strategy in an effort to attract their ideal customers to maintain consistent business growth.

Here are a few viable tactics that can be used to attract and drive customers’ growth.

1. Google My Business
2. Content Marketing
3. Facebook Advertising
4. Email Marketing
5. Organic Social Media Marketing
6. Local Events
7. Incorporate SEO
8. Have a clear brand identity
9. Product Promotions
10. Create Your Own Blog

Google My Business: Your customers are searching for you but if they can’t find you, then you are leaving money on the table for another business to pick up, Google search engine dominates search, and putting your business on the first page or have your Google my business set up and optimized to speak directly to your target customer is an effective marketing strategy, it is very important to use Google My Business so your ideal customers can easily find you which in turn could lead to more sales. It is completely free, why not put your business information in front of the eyes of all your potential customers who are looking for information about your product, service, or experience.

Content Marketing: This was described by contentmarketinginstitute as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and, ultimately to drive profitable customer action”. Great content is the backbone of marketing that attracts your ideal customers to your business, consumers are increasingly expecting to have all the information they need to make a purchase decision. An effective Content Marketing effort attracts your ideal customers and encourages more loyalty.

Facebook Advertising: This is one of the best forms of marketing you could you to attract customers to your business because there are well over 2.4 billion monthly active users on Facebook, besides it is cost-efficient especially for eCommerce businesses, once you are able to understand audience and analytics, it is very easy to leverage the platform to attract customers and non-customers with creative paid Facebook ads campaign strategy to grow your business.

Email Marketing: When done correctly with permission from your targeted customers, an email marketing strategy can be a useful tool to build relationships with prospects and customers by sending e-mails. The content has to be relevant to get the maximum benefit out of the channel, make sure to follow through on your promises, be respectful and polite, most importantly do not spam their inbox.

Organic Social Media Marketing: To get the most out of your organic social media marketing strategy, you have to get to know your customers in the community you are building, engage with the audience, ask questions, get to know them and gain their trust in your brand, it shouldn’t be all about sales, build a community of engaged fans, build relationships, nurture them towards making a purchase decision and watch your business excel.

Local Events: Getting involved and participating in local events is a great way to bring attention to your business, it provides an opportunity for you to educate customers in a physical setting and interact with them, it is also an opportunity to let personality shine through by networking, business owners tend to make more sales at local events because the customer is able to quickly access the relationship and probably become a loyal customer thereafter. So don’t shy away from creating events so your customers can get to see you and know you better.

Incorporate SEO: Combining great SEO practices in your content strategy to drive traffic and increase visibility can be very rewarding. Use keywords in your posts, blogs etc. Have a focused theme and create content relevant to your target audience, this will improve your credibility, reader engagement and SEO rankings on Google search engines, this will make it much easier to attract customers to your business and increase business growth.

Have a Clear Brand Identity: It is critical to have a brand identity no matter the size of the company, it is fundamental to your marketing because it helps your target audience to understand the message you are trying to communicate and clears up any confusion in the mind of the customers with an authentic brand identity.

Product Promotions: This is a great way to inform your target customers about your product and also to get non-customers to try out your products. The aim is to raise the customer’s interest and possibly attract potential customers to your business.

Create Your Own Blog: According to HubSpot, companies that regularly blog see an increase on ROI, but this doesn’t happen as quickly as social media marketing, it usually takes time and lots of hard work dedicated to creating quality content that solves problems for your target customers on your website to drive traffic. This type of marketing strategy already solves one of the greatest problems most people have when it comes to attracting customers to their website, regular blogging educates your targeted audience, after publishing the blog it is important to promote the blog across all channels where your target audience can find the information.

These are just a few simple marketing strategies to attract customers and boost business growth, but if you find these tasks overwhelming, or perhaps you don’t have time to implement these marketing strategies in your business, you could consider hiring an expert to take on these tasks or you can chat with us about the project. We’re happy to help you to create great contents and get your brand on the right track.


Get in touch with us in the contact section to book a free strategy session.

Dr. Matilda Olori

Author Dr. Matilda Olori

Dr. Matilda is the founder of Molori Strategies, the first Growth Marketing Agency on the French Riviera, she is one of the team’s core growth marketing strategists. She possesses diverse strategic skills and specializes in innovative marketing strategies, employing a unique and unconventional approach to achieve great results. When she's not auditing strategies and creatively planning the best formula for clients' success, you will find her at the beach enjoying the ocean on the French Riviera.

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